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4 Tips for Career Development

Updated: Jul 29

When you think about doing the work, what typically comes to mind? I bet you’re not thinking of doing the personal work as a means of improving your career. The DYWork pillars (healing, life planning and execution, personal development, spiritual evolvement) are all important aspects of career success. Here are 4 tips for doing the work and creating your ideal career.

DYWork in Healing

Have you dealt with your fundamental wounds –beliefs rooted in your unhealed emotional trauma? If you want to have a fulfilling and aligned career, those wounds need to be in check. You won’t get that 6-figure job, the opportunity to work on fulfilling projects, the respect of your peers, or the work life balance that you crave— if you don’t feel worthy or enough. Your beliefs (feeling worthy/enough) affect your decisions (aligning yourself with the right career opportunities).

Your decisions affect your work experiences (the types of jobs you hold over the span of your career). Your work experiences shape your life (your income, purpose, lifestyle, fulfillment). Stop playing with yourself and heal those wounds.

DYWork in Life Planning & Execution

Do you know where you’re trying to go and how to get there? This is such a simple question; but for many, the answer is no. Most people don’t have a 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year plan in place for accomplishing their career goals. Doing the work is not just about affirmations, crystals, and self-care. It’s also about sitting down and defining what career success looks like to you. It’s about thinking through what needs to happen, who you need to know, what skillset you need to acquire, and how you need to manage your time— to get to where you’re going.

DYWork in Personal Development

Do you know what your strengths are? If your answer is no, it’s time to reflect on the value that you deliver by simply existing. That’s the thing about God-given gifts; you don’t have to try to do them. It’s embedded in who and what you are. Whether your strengths are utilized in your daily interactions or strategically integrated into your career/purpose, they are available for you to use at any time. The key is— understanding your strengths, considering them valuable for the work you’re here to do, and choosing to maximize them in your career and purpose.

DYWork in Spiritual Evolvement

Are you able to release control and trust that things are working on your behalf? After you’ve done the personal work— and I mean have really done it— all there’s left to do is trust. This requires a genuine belief in the power of your work and a genuine belief in the power of the God. Both of you are working collaboratively to create fulfilling work experiences. You are taking ownership over your career life by choosing to self-improve, and God is responding by creating divine opportunities. You don’t have to necessarily identify with Christianity to trust that there is a power outside of you, working for you when you do your work.

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